It’s a funny thing, the way many people treat Romance novels—sneering, as if the stories are an embarrassment. Something shameful to hide. It’s much the same for those who write Romance: the implication that you could accomplish so much if you’d write something less … fluffy. The covers didn’t always help matters, whether yesteryear’s ripped bodices or today’s sculpted male torsos.

The thing is, Romance can be a force for good in lots of ways, beyond the fun of an escape.

A good Romance can introduce knowledge in an entertaining way, leaving the reader smarter. Customs of other countries? A way to experience new things? Learning snippets of history or science, woven into a story? Sign me up! One thing I really enjoy about writing is the research about the topics. I’ll feature the most fun things I learn here in the blog on occasion.

Romance legitimizes love and sex as things people deserve and should enjoy, not something to be ashamed of. For those who grew up thinking sex was “dirty,” this can be empowering. These scenes can be a springboard for discussion that might otherwise be difficult.

Novels can serve as relationship examples, both good and bad. If we believe that a character deserves better in a relationship, maybe we can accept that we do, too. If we can recognize signs of abusive or controlling behavior here, maybe we can for our loved ones. Romances also celebrate friendship and family relationships.

Romance novels are about empowerment: people making their own choices, not being awarded as a prize. People finding a way to overcome the odds stacked against them. It can be energizing and refreshing, especially to those who feel stuck or trapped.

In the end, Romance represents hope and optimism, the idea that however dark things appear, they can turn out well in the end. How can that ever be a bad thing?

So hold your head up and keep reading!







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